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Jeroen Carelse

Former product and service designer who nowadays paints, teaches and studies consciousness. Jeroen helps “perusoikeudet ry” with the website and random graphic design projects.

His website can be found at

Navigating the Web of Modern Societal Challenges: From Free Speech to Family Dynamics

In my earlier piece, I delved into the significance of contributing to the well-being of others and the greater good, which encompasses our sovereignty and the freedom to express our thoughts and actions. However, this freedom comes with the responsibility of ensuring that our actions don’t inflict harm upon others, a concept that has been subject to ever-expanding interpretations by those aspiring to govern us.

The manipulation of definitions of harm by those in authority raises concerns, as they continuously introduce new grievances, potentially labelling anything as hurtful. While unintentional hurtful remarks occur, individuals bear the responsibility to either overcome the pain or actively address the issues, striving to improve their actions and reactions.

The perilous path emerges when an individual consistently utters hurtful remarks, limiting the other’s sovereignty. Repetition implies intent—a conscious effort to inflict known harm. Instances like school bullying, personal attacks on social media, and workplace abuse exemplify this pattern. However, when the suppression comes from the governing entities themselves, restricting certain words or curbing free speech, it creates a daunting scenario where defending oneself becomes increasingly difficult.

This overbearing governance coerces submission, operating insidiously for decades. As we observe the gradual erosion of economic, legal, and thought freedoms, we witness the ripple effect on our daily lives. Societal norms shift, subtly influencing our routines and interactions. What once required a single salary to support a family and afford a home now often demands dual incomes. Travel, once considered routine, faces unforeseen restrictions imposed by unelected entities, reminiscent of the Cold War-era Iron Curtain. Moreover, even before these physical barriers, social media platforms imposed constraints on free speech.

In the context of evolving societal norms, concepts like feminism and equality played a pivotal role in reshaping expectations. The push for gender equality encouraged women to pursue full-time employment, challenging traditional roles. However, this shift came with its set of challenges. Women who chose not to engage in full-time work found themselves subject to societal scrutiny and judgment, creating an additional layer of pressure. The complex interplay of changing norms and economic demands further underscores the multifaceted impact of these societal shifts on individual choices and lifestyles.

Moreover, an increasingly global power structure exerts pressure on families, often coercing them into adopting dual-income households. This dynamic, influenced by economic realities, has led to a decline in family sizes as couples navigate the complexities of balancing careers and domestic responsibilities. In this landscape, the necessity for dual incomes typically limits the time and resources available for raising children. As a result, families increasingly resort to placing their children in daycare facilities, reflecting the intricate web of societal expectations and economic constraints shaping the modern family experience.

The encroachment on freedoms has been subtle, occurring in small, incremental steps. It’s now our turn to counteract this trend through our small but purposeful actions. While I cannot dictate your choices, I can inspire and propose potential courses of action. Participating in protests or simply observing them can be impactful; your presence signals support for those advocating change. Likewise, engaging with and sharing social media content amplifies the voices advocating for the greater good.

In the face of potential suppression, taking these small steps demonstrates resilience against manipulation. Remember, you are not alone; there are many like-minded individuals. Creating change does not necessarily require a majority; even a vocal minority can alter the trajectory of governance. Whether it’s 5 percent, 15 percent, the key is to be present and vocal—both on the streets and online. Stand as a testament to the change you wish to see, inspiring others by your example.